Kevin Gomez

Kevin Gomez

Computer Engineering Student at San Jose State University with an interest in Cybersecurity and Software Development
Graduation: December 2020

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Undergraduate Researcher
Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program
Summer 2018 – Spring 2020

  • Machine Learning Algorithm for Evaluating Risk
    • Argued the most effective algorithms for evaluating risk of Type-2 diabetes in adults through a literature review
    • Evaluated supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as types of decision trees in python
    • Presented Engineering and Science Symposium - SHPE 2019
    • Presented at 40th Central California Research Symposium – 2019
  • Hardware Lead for Artificial Gravity Centrifuge
    • Project within the Department of Aerospace Engineering
    • Simplified the design by introducing the use of a multiplexer to easily read from several accelerometer modules
    • Improved latency to the console by researching different methods of wireless communication with the centrifuge
    • In Progress for Publishing and Presentation

Engineering Ambassador Program Mentor
Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering
Fall 2017 – Spring 2018

  • Supervised local high school students in the classroom and reinforced STEM concepts presented by lecturers
  • Improved student work in studying the effects of wingtips on airplanes as well as studying the speed at which wax worms consume plastic by finding useful articles on similar topics and demonstrating accurate ways to record data

Marketing Intern
Manos Accelerator, LLC
Fall 2016 – Spring 2017

  • Hosted over 30 venture groups to participate in the 2017 Manos Accelerator Tech Venture Summit at the Google Developers Launchpad office in San Francisco for promoting tech-based startups
  • Reviewed databases of +1,000 applicable entrepreneurs and startups to contact for investing opportunities
  • Performed functionality and usability testing on landing page and registration website

Transportation Solution Intern
Parsons Corporation
Summer 2015

  • Interned under the Parsons Transportation Solutions Group team contracted for designing the Wilshire and La Brea underground station for the Los Angeles Metro Purple Line Extension Project
  • Reviewed floor plans and CAD models for the Metro Project and participated in onsite meetings
  • Presented results of the internship program to the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce counsel